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North Presbyterian Church


April 17, 2022 9:45 & 11:00am


Worship Silent Prayer of Preparation: He live, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.




Prayer for Peace: “What Wondrous Love is this” v 3 Red 283 ♦


Call to Worship: Christ is Risen, Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. He is risen indeed, anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die Christ is Risen, Lord I believe that you are the Christ, God’s Son He is risen indeed, God’s son, the one who is coming into the world.


Hymn: “Christ is Risen!” Blue 104


Opening Prayer: (Unison) Resurrection changes everything, O God. Win or lose, in Christ we are risen and reside in peace and joy. (Please pray silently) Set us free from our own will and empower us to do your will, forgive us, in Christ we pray, amen. ♦


Assurance of Pardon: When we tell our sins to God, the Lord is faithful and just and forgives us. Christ arose, we are forgiven, have life and peace in all its fullness.


Response: “Alleluia, Alleluia!” vs 4 Blue 106


Prayer for Illumination: Holy Spirit come to us, kindle in us the fire of your love. Holy Spirit come to us. (2)


Old Testament Lesson: Psalm 37: 1-7


New Testament Lesson: Mark 10: 32-45

These are the Words of the Lord: Thanks be to God


Anthem “Christ is Risen”


Sermon: “He will Rise Up..Get the Best Seat” Rev. Stuart C. Buisch


Creed: The risen Christ is the Savior for all people. Those joined to him by faith are set right with God and commissioned to serve as his reconciling community. Christ is head of this community, the church, which began with the apostles and continues through all generations. Confession of 67


Hymn “The Day of Resurrection” Blue 118


Joys and Concerns/Prayers of the People/Lord’s Prayer


Hymn “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” Red 289


Charge: (Unison) Love without pretending, hate evil, hold on to what is good, love each other like family, show honor to each other, be on fire in the Spirit, happy in hope, stand when in trouble, devote yourself to prayer, live at peace with all people. Be conformed to Christ’s death and reach for the resurrection of the dead now.




Closing Song: “Thine is the Glory” vs 3 Blue 122


Choir rehearses at 10:30am.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:45 Easter Brunch between services starting at 10am, Easter Egg hunt to follow.


Bible study at 7pm this Tuesday Acts 2 Bible and Bagels April 25 8am

One Great Hour of Sharing offering is being collected this week and next. The local portion goes to TCCO. Thank you. Envelopes are in the pews.


Duffield Opportunities: Women’s retreat, Summer camp schedule and Join the Duffield team ( See Usher’s table)

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