Vacation Bible Theme Days
“Chillin’ with God”
$15.00/ half day; $25.00 full day.
Bring your own lunch.
Wear clothes that can get paint every day
Please Fill out one form for each camper
Checks are needed when you register
Children needing to be left early or picked up late contact Rev. Stu 713-6488, so a volunteer can be with them.
$15.00/ morning; $25.00 Day. Bring your own lunch.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________________
My Child: ______________________________________________________________ has my permission to attend North Presbyterian Church and all its activities and trips.
T-Shirt size : ______________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:______________________________________________________________
Please circle days attending
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Please Circle time attending
9 am-noon noon to 3pm 9am-3pm