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  • Writer's pictureS Buisch

Philippians 4: 4

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice, let your moderation be know to all, the Lord is near, Don't be anxious for anything but in all things make your requests known unto God and the peace that passes all understanding will keep your hearts in Christ Jesus.

Clearly Paul was not involved in 2021.

his life wasn't at risk - oops he was in prison and his life was in someone else's hands and he ultimately died his government was stable - hardly Rome was full of corruption and poor leadership, Christians made great night lights at garden parties as they burned at the stake (not Steak)

He had access to all the support he needed in his difficult times - (well yes and no, read the rest of Philippians friends were coming and going.

So how do we read these words.

IT doesn't say rejoice - freely rather rejoice in the Lord. What does that mean for you?

What can you thank God for today?

What moderation/self-control/gentleness are you practicing today? If indeed the Lord is near - and I believe God is, how does that impact my human and non-human interactions?

The capital was invaded by a riot and I am supposed to not be anxious. The Bills are closer to more wins than they have been in a while and I am not supposed to be keyed up?

Somehow we are called to tell God everything and be thankful.

Your mission should you chose to accept it.

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